His head's in the cloud, but his feet are certainly on the ground. This is the story about arculus System Administrator and tech enthusiast Rudolph Maritz.
Hi Rudolph, welcome to our Voices of the Team series! Let's start with the basics: how did you first hear about arculus?
I was browsing on LinkedIn, and a position from arculus appeared as a recommendation matching my profile. So, out of curiosity, I decided to have a look into it, and I also read a bit more about arculus. It really sparked my interest, so I decided to give it a shot with my application. And, well, now I can say that it worked out really well.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
What I like about my job is that not a single day is the same. We have a lot of fun projects coming our way all the time, so, in short, it never gets boring.
Also, most of the projects are challenging, which allows you to think a little bit outside of the box, and it really motivates you to grow in your position and read more about different technologies. On top of that, you can create your own projects, which empowers you to take ownership of the work, while also making you feel proud of what you have accomplished.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced here so far?
By far the cloud migration project. It took a while to complete, but it was totally worth the time and effort from start to finish, and I'm very very happy with the results.
So, in essence, just to explain it, we moved a lot of our internal services to the cloud, and a lot of it was quite challenging. But it made me really happy to complete the project and just see how smooth everything is running now.

Where do you see yourself next year?
Next year I see myself even more focused on the cloud, but also on the DevOps area in the software team. I mean, I've always been fascinated by Cloud Technologies, how it's changing the world and the challenges that it brings. And, as I said before, arculus offers a lot of room for growth, so I'll definitely try to continue embracing that as well.