Kerstin is a fresh addition to the arculus family. Despite being a working student, she has not once sweated about sharing the responsibilities of our People Operations Partner. She supports the lifecycle of the employees and enriches their journey at arculus. This article highlights Kerstin’s experience in our People Team.
Kerstin, can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Kerstin: “Sure! In the beginning I was unsure about my career path. Therefore, I constantly switched between different fields. For example, I opted for Biology after my high school graduation, but I dropped out of the program a year later because I didn't find it a fit for me. I then started an apprenticeship at a company, for which I had to complete a Handelsfachwirt (Bachelor of Trade and Commerce). However, during my training period, I developed an interest in management topics, and this is what encouraged me to apply for the Bachelor in Business Management, which I’m currently studying.”
How do you recall your on-boarding experience?
Kerstin: “It was hard for me initially because back then I was living in Nürnberg and working remotely from there. I could only visit the Munich office once. Moreover, my supervisor’s onboarding process also started around the same time, so we both were new and still adapting. Nonetheless, during this period, my colleagues welcomed me very warmly. They became my support system in every possible way.”
How is the work-study life balance at arculus?
Kerstin: “I’m currently on a semester break, so I haven’t experienced the work-study life at arculus yet. However, I can speak about my work-life balance here. I usually pre-plan the coming week on a Friday with my reporting manager. I have the flexibility to set my work timings or meetings depending on my availability on a certain day or time. Hence, I strongly feel that once my studies resume, it will not be a challenge to manage work and university together.”
And, how would you describe your experience so far in your team?
Kerstin: “We are a small but well-connected team. We work closely together despite being in different cities. We have daily online meetings to discuss work-related topics. Personally, I find my manager cool as she never hesitates to appreciate me and my work. She trusts my capabilities, and has already assigned me responsibilities that add more value to my work experience. She also gives me enough time and space to get comfortable with the tasks before I proceed towards executing them.”
It’s interesting when you say your responsibilities make your experience valuable. What makes your work at arculus different from your previous student jobs/internships?
Kerstin: “The environment at arculus is very different, in a good way. I like how even the smallest initiative never goes unappreciated here. Also, irrespective of the position, everyone in the company is supportive!”

Since this is your first job in HR, how do you believe your work at arculus contributes to your learning process?
Kerstin: “Since day one, I have learned a lot from this job. For example, I already have some knowledge about contracts, which I didn’t think I would be learning so soon. There’s always something new to learn. Certainly, this experience is contributing a lot to my learning process.”
So what would you say is the most important thing you’ve learned so far?
Kerstin: “I have learned that communication and organization are significant elements of a strong team. When I joined, my department was going through a restructuring, and some more employees joined us to assist with the transition. It was tough, but we managed it quite well. Now, we finally have a flow within the team. So, from experience, I believe these two factors are needed every day and everywhere.”
Lastly, do you have any recommendations for future applicants who want to apply for a job at arculus?
Kerstin: “Take your time. Also, the application process is worth it. I’ll admit that it’s a bit longer and uncommon for the students. But it allowed me to show my motivation, skills, and talent to the hiring manager before joining the company. So even if the process looks scary, don’t give up!”